Sunday, December 20, 2009
Stress Reduction Techniques...
Stress can be long term (chronic) or short term (acute). There are many factors that influence our susceptibility to stress. Whether it is home or work related, no one is immune to it.
Reducing Your Stress
Since stress is something that we cannot completely get rid of, we must develop methods to reducing it or adjusting our responses to it.
Stress Affects All Systems Of Our Body:
• The heart
• Lungs
• Blood vessels
• The immune system
• Sensory organs
• Digestive system
• And the brain.
The heart rate and blood pressure increases instantaneously in response to stressful situations causing the arteries to constrict and pose a possible risk for blocking blood flow to the heart. Our immune system, which helps to fight off infections, can also be affected by stress. Those under chronic stress may be more vulnerable to colds and other viral infections.
Stress also affects the functioning of the brain. Those that are under severe stress may suffer from a lack of concentration and temporary memory loss due to prolonged exposure to cortisol, a stress hormone that affects the brain.
For many, stress can have some major effects on body weight. Some that are under stress suffer a loss of appetite causing them to lose weight. While others develop cravings for high fat, salty and sugary foods causing them to gain weight.
No matter what the cause of our stresses there are ways to adapt healthy habits to minimize stress. Eating a healthy diet and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, tobacco and junk foods can enhance general health and stress resistance. Getting ample amount of rest and relaxation is another way to reduce the effects of stress on the body.
What Can You Do?
Though meditation and relaxation are good ways to help in the reduction of stress, exercise can also play a big role in your mental and physical state.
"Exercise in combination with stress management is extremely important."
Those with medical conditions that are stress related can be significantly reduced with exercise. As the body attains a level of fitness, its ability to withstand stress is enhanced. The heart and blood circulation becomes stronger, while the muscles, ligaments, bones and joints also become stronger and more flexible. Adequate exercise helps to strengthen the immune system fighting off illnesses and help the mind to concentrate better. Although exercise will not take away stress, it will definitely help to reduce it.
Exercises & Tips To Help You Connect Your Mind & Body:
• Yoga is very helpful when trying to relax your mind and body it can also be a great way of meditation.
• Lying still for 10 to 15 minutes in complete silence while doing deep breathing exercises
• Running or Jogging is a great stress reliever. I like to run when I need to release some stress or just to clear my mind. I don't have to focus on lifting or pulling anything just letting my mind relax helps me to figure things out without the added stress of thinking about what I am doing and what comes next. (If you have seen the movie Forest Gump - This too was his way of working things out in his mind-although he ran for days, your stress may not be that major)
• Planning ahead with your workouts, meals and schedule also helps to keep you focused and less stressed.
• Taking a hot bath and lighting vanilla candles can help to soothe the mind and body.
• Swimming is another form of exercise that can help you to relax.
• Boxing and Kickboxing are other forms of exercises that allow you to release your stress by punching or kicking a bag just in case you are one to lose your temper when stressed.
• Dancing or taking an aerobic class can also be a fun way of reducing your stress level. Putting on your favorite tunes and letting lose to the music or going to a high-energy aerobic class can be a way to let go of some stress.
• And of course weight training is very helpful in reducing stress. Lifting heavy or challenging weight can help you to release all the negative energy that you may be carrying around. I along with an intensecardio regimen enjoy the uplifting energy I get after working out with weights if I am feeling overwhelmed or stressed about an upcoming event or just a having a bad day.
• Getting plenty of rest also helps to minimize stress. Going to bed at a decent hour and getting up at the same time each morning keeps your body on a rhythm and keeps from disrupting your body's ability to replenish hormones that affect both your physical and mental health. Frankly it keeps you from being cranky and moody.
How Stress Affects Us!
It's the constant of modern life and it affect us in many different ways, usually for the worse. It is stress and it can be insidious from expert Mauro Di Pasquale.
• Getting a deep tissue or sports massage can help to relieve tense muscles due to the affects that stress puts on your body. This for me is a great way to unwind after a long hard day of training and work. Also if I am stressed, a good deep tissue massage puts me in to such a relaxing state that my mind and body is forced to conform to relaxing for at least several hours.
• Surround yourself with people who are positive and support your goals. Keep those that cause additional stresses or drama in your life, especially around competition time as far away as possible. Stress cannot only be hazardous to your health but your physique as well. All the hours spent training and perfecting your physique can be wasted if you allow yourself to be constantly stressed.
Have some fun and loosen up. Get out and play. Laughter can change your mood Make a commitment yourself to staying active and changing habits or situations that put you in the position of losing control or being stressed.
Back Workout Schedules...
Workout 1:
- Bent Over Barbell Rows: 3 Sets Of 6-8 Reps
- Seated Cable Rows: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- V-Bar Pull-Downs: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
- Barbell Shrugs: 3 Sets Of 6-8 Reps
- Hyperextensions: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
Workout 2:
- Bent Over Two Dumbbell Row: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Reverse Grip Bent Over Row: 3 Sets Of 6-8 Reps
- Close Grip Front Lat Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
- Dumbbell Shrug: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Stiff-Legged Good Morning: 3 Sets Of 12-15 Reps
Workout 3:
- Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Underhand Cable Pull-Downs: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
- Bent Over Two Dumbbell Row with Palms In: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
- Barbell Shrug Behind the Back: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
- Stiff-Legged Barbell Deadlifts: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
Workout 4:
- Full Range of Motion Lat Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Close Grip Front Lat Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 12 Reps
- One Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Upright Barbell Rows: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Hyperextensions: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
Workout 5:
- Bent Over Barbell Row: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
- V-Bar Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
- One Arm Dumbbell Row: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Barbell Shrug Behind the Back: 3 Sets Of 8-12 Reps
- Stiff-Legged Good Mornings: 3 Sets Of 8 Reps
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Nutrient Density - What makes superfoods so super?
A Nutrient Dense Salad
What Is Nutrient Density
How do you decide which foods you want to eat? Flavor? Texture? Convenience? Comfort? Many people choose the foods they eat based on immediate gratification, without much thought about the long-term effects of their selections. That often results in choosing foods that taste good, but are not good for you.
What about the nutritional value of the foods you eat? When you choose your foods, be sure to consider the nutrient densityof the foods. Nutrient density refers to the amount of nutrients for the given volume of food. Nutrient-dense foods have lots of nutrients, generally with fewer calories. All those superfoods you've heard about are nutrient dense foods. Energy-dense foods have more calories for the volume of food and generally fewer nutrients.
How Nutrient Density Works
You are hungry and it is a few hours until dinner so you decide you want a snack. You can choose either an apple or a glazed donut. They are roughly the same size and either food works as a quick snack so you can get back to work. Which one do you choose?
Hopefully you chose the apple. Why? The apple has around 80 calories and lots of vitamins, fiber and phytochemicals that will keep you healthy. The fiber and water in the apple will fill your stomach and keep you satisfied until dinner.
The donut has calories. Lots of calories. In fact, the donut has more than 200 calories but it doesn't have many nutrients. There is only about one gram of fiber so it won't keep you feeling full either, so eating that glazed donut will frequently lead to eating a second one. The donut also has lots of unhealthy saturated fat and plenty of sugar. Sure it tastes good, but your body might pay quite a price for the immediate gratification.
You can also compare nutrient density using the amount of calories in the food rather than volume or portion size. Let's compare a cup of carrot slices to four saltine crackers. Both snacks have about 50 calories, but the carrots have many more nutrients for the same number of calories. The carrots are nutrient dense; the crackers are energy dense. This is important for people on weight-loss diets. Foods that are low in calories, but high in fiber and other vitamins, will keep you satisfied and healthy while you lose weight.
Nutrient-Dense Superfoods
You can probably already see from the examples that brightly colored fruits and vegetables are big winners in nutrient density. That's one reason why so many fruits and vegetables qualify as superfoods, or foods that are rich in nutrients and other compounds that have healthy benefits such as fiber, phytochemicals and essential fatty acids. The superfood fruits and vegetables include carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, kale, spinach, berries, apples, cherries, pomegranate and oranges.
Other nutrient-dense superfoods include salmon, tuna, trout, low-fat dairy products, oatmeal and whole grains, soy, dry beans sand even some fortified foods. On the other hand, energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods include things that are high in sugar and fat such as refined white breads, pasta, pastries, processed lunch meats and cheeses, ice cream, candy, soda, potato chips and corn chips. In other words, junk food.
Choosing nutrient-dense superfoods at the grocery store is pretty easy if you stay along the edges of the store, where the produce, fresh lean meats, low-fat dairy and fresh bakery goods are found. These fresh foods may be more expensive than the energy-dense packaged foods, but you buy more nutrition for that price. Of course, most shoppers choose some packaged foods for convenience, but you can still make smart choices with those products -- just read the labels.
You can easily find the Nutrition Facts labels on the backs or sides of the packages. Look at the serving sizes, note the number of calories per serving and look at the amount of fiber, vitamins, calcium and iron. The packaged food that has the better combination of lower calories, higher nutrients and less sodium is the winner.
Nutrient-Dense Meals
You can prepare nutrient-dense meals by choosing nutrient-dense superfoods and ingredients for your dishes. A nutrient-dense meal should have one serving of a healthy protein source such as legumes, fish, poultry or low-fat meat. One serving is typically about the size of a pack of playing cards. The rest of the meal should be made up of healthy side dishes. Vegetables are always good, even with a little bit of cheese or sauce. Whole-grain pastas, brown rice and wild rice are good choices as well. A green salad with lots of vegetables can make a nice nutrient-dense superfoods side dish or can be a great meal on its own. Clear soups with lots of vegetables are nutrient-dense compared to cream soups which have more calories and are more energy dense.
Would I Ever Choose Foods That Are Energy-Dense?
People who are underweight need some energy-dense foods to make sure they are getting enough calories to gain weight. Healthy energy dense foods include peanut butter, dried fruits, starchy vegetables and cheese.
Why Should I Think About Nutrient Density?
Eating nutrient-dense food will ensure you are getting all the nutrition you need. A nutrient-dense diet won't leave you feeling hungry so maintaining your weight is much easier. Choosing nutrient dense foods can become second nature. Once you understand which foods are more nutrient dense, the rest is easy. Just remember that the foods you eat can affect your health in a big way. To be healthy or unhealthy? The choice is yours.
Replenish your energy with the right carbohydrates
To get the energy you need for your cardio, you need to eat the right kind of carbohydrates.
Everyone needs carbohydrates, the body's preferred energy source. If you get regular cardiovascular exercise or train for an endurance sport, you need more daily carbs to fuel your workouts and replenish your energy stores.
Remember: all carbs are not created equal. Grains, fruit, vegetables (nutrient-rich choices) as well as candy and sweets (empty calories) are all sources of carbohydrate. Some foods, like dairy and legumes, combine carbohydrate and protein, which helps restore muscles.
The best carbs to choose are ones that contribute plenty of other nutrients such as protein, vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants.
Whole-grain warm-up
Whole grain oats are delicious and easy to digest before or after a workout. As an added bonus, the soluble fiber in oatmeal may help lower cholesterol.
Opt for plain oats instead of the sugary flavored varieties and create your own delicious concoction by adding nutritious (and tasty) ingredients. Sprinkle in your favorite nuts and dried fruit to add natural sweetness as well as fiber and iron. Save time by cooking the oats ahead and warming them up in the microwave.
Energy shake
Yogurt and fruit make a winning carbohydrate combination. Yogurt adds protein and some calcium to this drink while fruit contributes natural sweetness and vitamin C for tired, sore muscles.
Drink this shake before a cardio session to fuel your workout, or within the ideal recovery window -- between 30 and 60 minutes afterexercise -- when your body is best able to repair itself and replenish the energy you've spent.
Pasta and protein
Carbohydrate plus protein is a winning combination that helps repair muscles and refuel your tank. Remember that pasta doesn't have to come from wheat. Rice noodles are a gluten-free alternative with a tender texture and mild flavor that works well with all types of sauces.
Pork is higher in B vitamins than other meats, providing a metabolism boost and extra energy-producing power. Toss in your favorite fresh vegetables for texture, color, extra vitamins, and fiber.
Filling fiber
Muffins can be a nutritional boon or a bust, depending on what's in them. Those gigantic bakeshop muffins can contain over 500 calories and 20 grams fat.
Smarter choice: Home-baked muffins bursting with antioxidant-rich dried fruits and fiber from whole wheat flour and wheat germ. Wheat germ is also high in the mineral zinc, which contributes to healthy skin and a strong immune system. Add a boost of antioxidants by adding the freshest berries of the season.
Healthy grains
Mixed-grain salads deliver a satisfying combination of flavors and textures as well as folate and vitamin E for a strong and healthy heart -- very important for those cardio workouts!
Adding beans to grains creates the key combination of protein and carbs that helps muscles repair and refuel themselves. Enjoy this salad for lunch, or pair it with lean protein like chicken or fish for a powerhouse dinner.
Betacarotene burst
Sweet potatoes are a true super-food. In addition to being a great source of energy producing carbohydrate, they're packed with vitamins and minerals.
One cup of sweet potato contains 20 percent of your daily potassium needs, plus energy-boosting vitamin B6 and more than 700 percent of your daily vitamin A needs (mostly in the form of the antioxidant beta-carotene). This salad also combines iron-rich spinach with vitamin C from oranges, which helps increase iron absorption.